Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To Blog or Not To Blog. That is the question.

My husband calls me fickle, which I despise hearing, but maybe he's right. After a little over a month of blogging, I'm kinda over it. It has become more of a burden than a joy. I want my blog to be "a success" - whatever that really means, and I don't feel that mine has been. I don't have the time to invest to make it a success (the fact that my network at work does not allow me to comment on blogspot blogs doesn't help). My life is rather boring and uneventful, so I don't have any funny stories or quirky anecdotes to share. I'm not very opinionated, and when I do have opinions, they aren't "popular" and I'd worry about offending people. So my fickle self has decided to go on a blogging hiatus. I've been thinking of maybe doing a food blog or something, but the idea of maintaining a food blog stresses me out. So... I'm going to take some time to think about it and see what I want to do. My general motto is as follows: "If at first you don't succeed, why keep trying?" Totally lame, I know. I don't actually live by that motto, it's just kinda what ends up happening.

To all of you who have become followers and commented on my little blog, I sincerely heart you. Seriously. You guys kept me going for a while there. If something silly or crazy happens to me, I'll stop by and post a little something. If you have any ideas or advice, feel free to send them my way. I'm still planning on reading and commenting on all those great, little blogs I have discovered and love.


  1. Yeah, if it isn't fun for you, take a break. I wouldn't do it either if I didn't have like a legitimate need to write.

    I'll be here if you come back!! And I hope I still see you around my place?!

  2. It's tough to know after a month. It should be for you, not for anybody else. Mine is still "slow" and small by many standards, but I make it what makes me happy. Give it time (if you still want to hang in there). Many of the "successes" are just cookie-cutter versions of the same thing, anyway. Boring. Be you. There's only one.

  3. Aw, Liz! Don't go.....I shall miss you so much! But if a hiatus is what you need, then take it...but know that I always enjoyed your posts!

  4. Thanks, ladies! I appreciate your support. I think I just need to focus in on what I really want to share. I definitely plan on visiting everyone still and hope to find some inspiration while doing so!

  5. i agree- if you need a break, take one! i will definitely still be here if you decide to come back!
    i just followed and commented on others before doing my own blog...it can be a little stressful sometimes to come up with blog posts!
    glad you will still be stopping by other blogs! :)
